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Morbi egestas ultricies est. Proin eu odio nibh. Praesent venenatis mi vitae pharetra porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sed dolor pulvinar, dapibus augue non, tincidunt nibh. Curabitur et elit commodo, dictum diam sed, dapibus enim. Integer et pulvinar leo, condimentum maximus diam. Phasellus imperdiet urna in tortor vestibulum porta eget ac metus.

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Why Do Families Choose Sioux Falls Lutheran School?

Academic Excellence

“The Local Best” preschool award winner for 15+ years and a School of Distinction, maintaining an average ACT score several points higher than the state average, with 100% of college-bound graduates receiving multiple scholarships

Girl taking notes in class

Welcoming Community

Joyful, tight-knit community where faculty partner with families in raising children, and kids take part in meaningful service projects, attend fun school-wide events, and develop positive friendships that can last a lifetime 

Two boys working on a science project

Values Alignment

Devoted teachers, weekly chapel, and daily Bible study combine to develop capable Christian servant-leaders, who are confidently able to use their God-given gifts and fruit of the Spirit to touch a troubled world with Christ’s grace 

Three upper school students walking past lockers

"I trust that our kids are safe and cared for at SFLS. I know they are learning at a rapid rate in each school subject, and most importantly — they are learning about how to be a Christian."

— Brian, SFLS Parent

6715 South Boe Lane, Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Looking for a quality private school near [SEO LOCATION KEYWORDS]? 

Call Today  336-229-6610

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Discover the Value of Christ-Centered Education

Explore the value and benefits for your child and family at Sioux Falls Lutheran School, a private Christian school in Sioux Falls, SD.

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At all ages, students take part in lessons and field trips that encourage experiential learning, critical thinking, and collaboration, exercising problem-solving and decision-making skills when challenges arise.

Hands-On Instruction

Student Studying Icon

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Children benefit from Suzuki-based violin lessons in early grades, and athletic extracurriculars starting in sixth grade, as well as after-school clubs, all-state band, choir, orchestra, musicals, theatre, and one-act competitions.

Exceptional Extras

Fine Arts Icon

Our campus is set on 30 acres and features inviting classrooms and community spaces, including our chapel, dedicated STEM lab, art room, library, and common areas, designed with safety in mind.

State-of-the-art Campus

Basketball Icon

In addition to strong academics, students grow emotionally and spiritually, encouraged by PeaceWiseKids curriculum, which promotes kindness, helps them develop healthy relationships, and teaches them to manage conflict peacefully.

Emotional Safety

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